Brief Meditation on Psalm 23

Some brief thoughts from my meditation on Psalm 23:
Vs. 1-3
God loves me, for I am one of his lambs.  He loves me, even knowing that I am neither particularly smart nor particularly good at taking care of myself.  He loves me and desires good for me, his lamb, out of his love and his nature as the shepherd.  He loves me and desires good for me, even when I am straying.  My straying may take me farther from him, and therefore diminish my experience of his good intentions, but they do not change his intentions and his desires for what is best for me.  Though the waters of my life are roiling, he leads me to a calmer place.
Vs. 4-6
I need not fear in any circumstance, nor in facing any enemy.  I need not fear even the internal enemies of my own sinful disposition or sinful actions.  The shepherd’s good intentions and his great power, which are grounded in his own nature and glory, are more than enough to protect me from all that I might fear.  Even when I am smack dab in the worst situation, he can and does not only protect me, but he also makes my life overflow with good things.  With such a shepherd, it is as if good is always pursuing me, because he is always pursuing me, and he makes my future secure in himself.