In Case You Missed It

Today’s blog post is a little different.  Rather than the usual paragraph or so of my own thoughts and content, I want to share with my blog readers some things I have previously shared on the Amplified Leader Coaching Facebook page which
subscribers to my blog may have missed.  These are links to articles or stories that I think you may find useful or interesting, along with my brief thoughts on
each one.

Is Social Media Scraping You Too Thin?

Are you overloaded with things you ought to care about, respond to, or pray for? In this article Stephen Altrogge says it leaves him feeling like Bilbo; “I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread.” How could you or someone you coach appropriately limit this sense of overload?

Signposts: What I Learned From Congressman Gene Taylor

Are your core convictions clear enough that you would fail before compromising?  This article from Russel Moore raises some of these questions.

“No risk, no reward” as the saying goes. Playing it safe can seem appealing, but the safer path may not lead to your desired results.  This article by Carey Nieuwhof discusses ways we can start to ease ourselves off the “safe” path.  How do these methods impact you, your leadership, and your coaching relationships?

What Gets Scheduled Gets Done

Doing what is most important in life is not always easy. Here is a great idea to explore, especially if you coach or get coached.

I hope you found these articles interesting and helpful.  I may do another edition of “In Case You Missed It” in the future, so keep an eye out.  As always, thanks for subscribing to Amplified Leader Insights.

In Him,