Perfect Balance

If you ever feel you finally understand God, you can be sure you have failed to appreciate the depth of his infinite nature.
When trying to comprehend something, we often say we are “wrapping our head around it.”  It is human nature to quantify what we seek to understand, and it is easy to lose sight of the fact that God is unquantifiable.  He is simply too big and too infinite to ever fully “wrap our head around”.  It is because of this that we struggle to fully appreciate each aspect of God’s nature without under-emphasizing another.

When you so fully grasp God’s holiness and his resulting anger at sin that you find it hard to accept his grace and mercy, then you aren’t fully recognizing the depth of that grace and mercy.

By the same token, when you so deeply appreciate God’s grace and mercy that his holiness doesn’t regularly bring you to grief over your sin, then you are under-emphasizing his holiness and his resulting anger at sin.

Our pursuit of the perfect balance is endless, because his holiness and grace are infinite.