Personal Productivity

How do you feel about your level of productivity?  How does your answer impact how often you feel overwhelmed, or your overall sense of balance between work, ministry, family, personal health, and spiritual health?  While most of us aren’t total productivity disasters, most of us are also not where we wish we were.  I found these 3 suggestions from Michael Hyatt about managing productivity to be interesting and worth exploring further.  What do you think?
1) Be mindful of your energy levels and how you care for yourself physically. Too many leaders and executives try to manage their time instead of trying to manage their energy. This is a mistake. Think first about your energy, knowing that it’s the key to working smart. Eat well, stay hydrated, get lots of rest, and spend time doing activities that rejuvenate you. You can’t lead people well and complete high-leverage work unless you’re healthy and energized.
2) Second, think about the ways that you might be accidentally sabotaging your productivity, potentially even in small ways. There are habits that we all do — without realizing it — that suck up our time and focus. Identifying and correcting these is a game-changer.
3) Third, consider WHY you want to be more productive. If you’re hoping to achieve more in less time, the question is “Why?”. Whether your reason is to foster better relationships, be healthier, or hit big goals… write that reason down. When you’re in touch with your “why”, you’re more likely to find success.
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